Ta Tsu Hwa Coups Program
The Ta Tsu Hwa Coups Recognition Program is designed to recognize those Arrowmen who have performed exceptional service throughout the Lodge, as well as encourage our Brothers to find new ways to serve. It consists of an arrowhead denoting Ordeal, Brotherhood, or Vigil Honor membership, as well as beads representing individual accomplishments and recognitions, all worn on a leather thong around the neck.
Unlike the sash, these coups can be worn anytime. They may also be worn with or without uniform and at any Scouting event - OA or otherwise. To earn the beads, one needs to have satisfied the requirements for that bead, which can be found on the corresponding applications below. Applications can be turned in at the trading post at any Lodge event (i.e. Ordeal, Fall Fellowship, Lodge Banquet).
Applicants will need to purchase beads and arrowheads before they are worn from the Lodge Trading Post. Click here for examples and bead descriptions.
Coups Application Forms